How to fill the gas tank in 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge?

Content verified by Michael G.
August 18, 2024
Discover how to easily fill up the gas tank of your 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge with our simple, step-by-step guide. Keep your classic car running smoothly with our helpful tips.

Filling the gas tank of a classic car, such as the 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge, can be a bit different compared to modern vehicles. For someone unfamiliar with the specifics of classic cars, locating the gas cap might seem confusing or even obscure due to its unique design and placement. Here is how to solve this issue and successfully fill the gas tank:

Step 1: Locate the gas cap

The gas cap on the 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge is not on the side of the car as in many modern vehicles. Instead, you will find it hidden behind a decorative cover known as the rear license plate bracket. This bracket is located on the back end of the car, just below the rear bumper. The license plate bracket is typically a rectangular metal plate holding the vehicle's registration plate.

Step 2: Access the gas cap

To access the gas cap, gently pull down the top of the license plate bracket. This bracket is designed to hinge from the bottom, allowing you to lower it forward enough to reveal the gas cap behind it. Be gentle to avoid any damage to the bracket or the surrounding paintwork.

Step 3: Remove the gas cap

The gas cap itself is a metal cap with ridges around its edge for easy gripping. Twist the cap counterclockwise (to the left) to unscrew it. Once unscrewed, remove the gas cap and place it in a secure location where it won't get lost or be forgotten.

Step 4: Fill the tank

With the gas cap removed, you can now insert the gas nozzle into the gas tank opening. Ensure the nozzle is fully inserted to avoid any fuel spills. Depending on your fuel provider, hold the pump handle and squeeze the trigger to start the fuel flow. Fill the tank to the desired level or until the automatic shutoff engages on the pump.

Step 5: Replace the gas cap

After filling the tank, reinsert the gas cap into the gas tank opening. Twist it clockwise (to the right) until it is securely tightened. This ensures that no fuel will evaporate or leak from the tank.

Step 6: Adjust the license plate bracket

Finally, lift the license plate bracket back into its original position. Make sure it securely snaps back into place to cover and protect the gas cap area.

Step 7: Final check

Before driving away, it’s always good to do a final check to ensure that the gas cap is secured and the license plate bracket is properly closed. This ensures everything is in place and the vehicle is ready for driving.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully locate and fill the gas tank of a 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge, ensuring your classic car remains properly fueled for your next drive.

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