How to fix regenerative braking issues in the 2021 Tesla Model S?

Content verified by Michael G.
September 18, 2024
Learn how to resolve regenerative braking issues in the 2021 Tesla Model S with our expert tips and step-by-step guide for optimal performance and safety.

Identify the Issue

  • Before attempting any fix, it's crucial to determine the exact problem with the regenerative braking system. This could be due to software issues, hardware malfunctions, or even user settings.

Software Update

  • Regenerative braking issues can often be resolved by updating the vehicle's software. Check if there is a new software update available and install it.
  • Navigate to Settings > Software on your Tesla touchscreen, and if an update is available, follow the prompts to install it.

Reset Regenerative Braking Settings

  • Sometimes, simply resetting the regenerative braking settings can solve minor issues.
  • Go to the Control > Pedals & Steering menu and switch off regenerative braking. After a few moments, turn it back on.

Check for Diagnostic Alerts

  • Your Tesla provides diagnostic alerts if it senses any issue. Look for any alerts related to regenerative braking.
  • Navigate to the Service menu and review any displayed alerts. Follow any guidance provided.

Inspect the Brake Hardware

  • Physical wear or damage to the brake components can also affect regenerative braking.
  • Inspect the brake pads, rotors, and calipers for any signs of excessive wear or damage.
  • If you're not familiar with vehicle mechanics, it's advisable to have a certified technician inspect these elements.

Battery Debugging

  • Regenerative braking efficiency can also be influenced by the state of the battery.
  • Check the battery's health using the Tesla app or the vehicle's touchscreen interface.
  • If the battery is not charging properly or if there are other battery health indicators, that could affect regenerative braking performance.

Professional Inspection

  • If you’ve tried all of the above steps and the issue persists, it’s best to take your Tesla to a certified Tesla service center.
  • Technicians can run a full diagnostic and identify any underlying issues not visible through user-level checks.

Monitor After Resolution

  • After performing any fixes, keep an eye on the vehicle’s performance to ensure the issue doesn't recur.
  • Regularly check for software updates and maintain routine inspections to keep the regenerative braking system in optimal condition.


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