What are the signs of drive unit failure in the 2013 Tesla Model S, and what are the recommended fixes?

Content verified by Michael G.
September 18, 2024
Learn the signs of drive unit failure in the 2013 Tesla Model S and explore recommended fixes to maintain performance and longevity.


Signs of Drive Unit Failure in the 2013 Tesla Model S


Unusual Noise

  • Humming or Whining: A high-pitched humming or whining noise when accelerating or decelerating can indicate bearing wear within the drive unit.
  • Clunking or Thumping: Sudden clunking or thumping sounds may suggest issues with the drive unit’s gears or components.


Vibration or Shuddering

  • Acceleration Issues: If the car vibrates or shudders during acceleration, it may point to problems within the drive unit.
  • Consistent Shaking: Continuous shaking while driving, especially at higher speeds, can be a sign of drive unit trouble.


Loss of Power or Performance

  • Reduced Acceleration: Noticeable decrease in the vehicle's acceleration capabilities can be indicative of drive unit failure.
  • Driving Restriction: Alerts such as “Drive system requires service” or significant loss of power might appear on the dashboard.


Fluid Leaks

  • Leaking Fluid: Any sightings of fluid leaks under the vehicle could suggest a compromised drive unit seal.
  • Inspect for Stains: It’s a good practice to inspect regularly under the vehicle for any suspicious fluid stains.


Check Engine or Warning Lights

  • Dashboard Alerts: A “Check Engine” light or other warning indicators on the dashboard might signal drive unit issues.
  • Diagnostic Codes: Professional diagnosis may reveal fault codes related to the drive unit.


Recommended Fixes

Professional Diagnosis and Repair

  • Visit Authorized Service Center: Taking the vehicle to a Tesla-authorized service center for a thorough diagnosis is essential. They have specialized tools and trained technicians to accurately address drive unit problems.


Software Updates

  • Check for Updates: Software updates can sometimes rectify minor drive unit issues or improve performance. Ensure your vehicle's software is up-to-date.


Replacement of Affected Components

  • Bearings and Gears: Worn-out bearings and gears within the drive unit may need replacement.
  • Seals and Fluids: If leaks are detected, replacing seals and refilling fluids might be necessary.


Full Drive Unit Replacement

  • Significant Failures: In cases of severe damage, a full drive unit replacement might be required. It's best performed by Tesla service centers or highly qualified repair shops.


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